Racquel M. Stroud, CEO
“We’re invested in your story”
“I want people to be a product of the product.”
Dr. Racquel Stroud has always loved the idea of making healthy products generated from the natural elements that God has given us. Let’s go on a journey back 20 years ago. Dr. Racquel Stroud had the unction to learn about natural skin care and hair products. She started studying natural skin care, products, essential oils and carrier oils. She wanted to learn the right combination of elements that would target problem areas such as the skin and back.
There were many times where she would be around family and friends who suffered with various skin issues and she noticed the negative effect it would have on them. Particularly, she concentrated on studying eczema, psoriasis and acne. However, during that time, she was never able to commit to establishing this desire as a business. It was even during that time where she began to develop recipes.
Fast forward to 2020. Not only did God show her a way to create a miraculous shampoo and face wash, but also how to create variations of the face wash to help people with skin afflictions, skin problems and for those who just need skin maintenance. In addition, God showed her how to create an all purpose extraordinary hair line for adults and children that covers all hair challenges. As Dr. Stroud continued to witness the effects that problem skin and hair had on the people around her, all of the knowledge and information she formally retained began to reemerge. It was then that, “Sticky Wash” was born!
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